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Havenleaf Architecture Studio
Anna Arcade, Allappara, Pala  Kottayam Kerala  India

+91 9188857729
+04822 - 298729

Folow Us

Residence – HAS 0127

The first entrance is to a wide L-shaped veranda that fills the entire front. The main door leads to the guest living room. Visitors to the house are first greeted by the external courtyard. The external courtyard is visible from any room -Living, dining, guest living. The stair area started from the family living room and fenestration is placed there for skylight. Fenestrations will also facilitate air circulation, which can start to create a breeze. The house has four bedrooms, one room on the first floor and the other three on the ground floor. The ranch-style house is noted for its long, close-to-the-ground profile, and wide open layout. The house style fused on modernist ideas and styles.
Mr. Pious
August, 2021
Two Story Ranch-styled
Floor Area:
2537 Sq.FT
Piousmount, Kottayam

Creative and Idea

Creative and Idea

Architectural concepts, we think of an abstract idea, one that is unchanging throughout the design process.

Planing and Concept

Planing and Concept

We do site analysis, design brief appraisal, building typology appraisal, precedent studies and so on.



More planning = Less chances to fail. i.e, you’re more prepared to handle things that may go awry. 

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